Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Salmon Marinade by Tenisha Freston

1 bottle frozen lemonade juice
1 small can orange juice
1 cube butter
lemon pepper seasoning

Mix together melted butter, frozen lemonade and 3 to 4 heaping tablespoons of orange juice. put in a ziplock bag and add salmon. sprinkle lemon pepper seasoning and marinate overnight. make tinfoil bowls. (fold sides up so it looks like a bowl) put salmon inside bowl and pour juice over salmon. (I had 3 different peices of fish so I made 3 different bowls) Put bowls on the gril and cook for 25-30 minutes. Keep grill closed so the fish completely get cooked. Fish will look pink but it is definately cooked and thats it. Its way yummy.

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